HSDC Alton Campus
Portsdown won a tender issued by Peter Marsh Consulting (PMc) by demonstrating best value and the best quality product solution for the Digital Hub. Utilising a clinically designed cutting edge IT desking product with Fenix worktops and cable management, along with proven hardwearing student seating solutions we created a stunning space. Working in partnership with PMc the contractor - Overbury, architect - Rock Townsend and client – HSDC Alton, we delivered the impressive space right on time and budget, ready for the students return.

The project objectives were to provide industry standard learning accommodation for digital and gaming curricula; as well as to improve the condition and aesthetic of the Stevens Building creating a dynamic studio space to study in. Relocating the Student Services from the Stevens Building to a new open plan location at the front of the campus; to create a more spacious and welcoming reception area with clear areas for Student Services, Careers and Enrolment, and a Health and Wellbeing Hub.